is part of the Elite Adult Network, and are given the opportunity to earn the most money as part of the largest and most exclusive adult network of the highest paid live adult chat sites on the Internet today. Opportunity is also allowed to Recruit College Webcam Models.
If you are age 18+, you can apply to become a Webcam Model Recruiter through our Webcam Model Recruiting Program for the worlds most respected, Adult Cam Modeling Network. Applicants approved for College Webcam Jobs Adult Recruiting Models Program can potentially earn money from qualified recruited models earnings. College Webcam Jobs Adult Recruiting Models Program pay Recruiters 10% of qualified recruited models earnings, directly generated while working through College Webcam Jobs.
College Webcam Jobs average webcam model generates $1000 per week in earnings, working approximately 25 hours a week. Of course the more hours the adult webcam model puts in, the greater the earnings and if they work less hours then of course they earn less - very simple equation. Recruiters with College Webcam Jobs Adult Recruiting Models Program can potentially earn $100 per week for each active, qualifying model they recruit; depending upon the number of hours the models put in and the amount of earnings the models generate, each week.
Recruiters with College Webcam Jobs Adult Recruiting Models Program for example, who have 10 actively streaming live recruited models who are each working at least 25 hours a week and earning $1000 a week, could potentially earn $500 to $1000 or more Recruiter revenue.
* Qualified commissions for Recruiting College Webcam Models are paid out on earnings of $50.00 or more, by the tenth business day each month.
* Recruiter commissions earned are paid via check and sent via USPS.
* Recruiter earnings pursuant to this agreement and our Terms of Service, Adult Models Recruiter must produce qualifying and approved model applications for College Webcam Jobs to be eligible for revenue earnings.
* Qualifying adult webcam model applications for College Webcam Jobs must be a new and unique model application obtained from Personalized Recruiter Link and is subsequently approved as a model with College Webcam Jobs.
* Adult Webcam Models Recruiter represents and warrants that they are not an individual, organization or entity listed on The Office of Foreign Assets Control Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List as published and updated by the U.S. Department of The Treasury.
* We make reasonable efforts to provide cam model recruiters with access to real time statistical information for webcam models recruited.
* Commissions paid to Adult Webcam Models Recruiters with a USA mailing address will be reported to the IRS, as required by law, on a form 1099 issued by WaveSide Entertainment, before the end of January of each new year.
* Adult Webcam Models Recruiters agree and acknowledge that calculation of commission owed shall be final, binding and non-disputable.
* By participating in the College Webcam Jobs Adult Recruiting Models Program, Recruiter agrees to be bound by Terms of Service.